Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Desert Song

My dearest Jack the desert seems emptier without you by my side these days. The purple mountains seem to mourn you as much as I do. Their lofty peaks covered with the snow of a thousand tears that I have shed.

But when I see you in the mountain face and feel your warmth in the noon day sun of February I feel comforted. Your energy is still here in the buzzing of the hummingbirds and your spirit watches over me as the clouds rise above the desert on warm breezes that whisper your name.

Would that we could be one again and play in the pines of Idyllwild venturing ever on together towards the summit; To sit on a precipice in the clouds and stare down at the high desert of Joshua Tree; To be alone as one with nature and time.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reflections on Perfection

It is now January 10th and the holidays are finally over. The new snow of this new decade has fallen covering that of the last.

It has been 2 months now that my world came crashing down and taking with it my beloved friend and life partner Jack. The terrible pain of that moment still lives in my thoughts and no doubt always will. But as the new year and new decade begins it's life I have found that I too have begun to live again. Slowly, as if looking out from a bomb shelter after a nuclear blast, I begin again to build a new life, but one that will now be missing a key ingredient which made my past one so purposeful.

How does one begin again after experiencing such perfection?

Just as the snows and cold of the Winter anesthetize and encapsulate, the Spring will soon gently revitalize and rejuvenate. The rich soil that was created from that past perfect blend can most surely nurture and grow something new. It is not that the past energy is gone but rather that it lives on in the new growth and therefore makes it stronger and more determined. I tell myself this as a general might do to rally his troops but with some trepidation since I cannot be sure of where the road might lead. The one thing of which I am sure is that it will take me forward and that is a good thing. The alternative is to stand stagnant and become part of the past.