Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Summers Morning

On a sun burned morning in July I catch myself staring out at my lush, sequestered deck. The plantings and ivy covering the lattice and railings make it a secret garden with the Ash and Cherry Trees forming a perfect arch from which to view the world around me as if looking out from my castle window.

At 7am in the morning it is a perfect spot to sit and reflect on life both now and past. On other summer days I can remember being rather more rushed with little or no time to enjoy this splendid place. But now it seems that time is more precious and reflections more deep.

The air is thick with morning dew and the gentle morning breeze is a welcomed relief. The silence is broken by the song of a robin, one of a pair that have lived with me for some time now making the grounds their home. Then the distant sound of footsteps and the roar of milk truck delivering goods to the grocery store tell me that it is time to awake and join the world once more. That is until tomorrow when the secret garden returns and I can bask in my remembrances again.