Sunday, March 28, 2021

  • Once, when I was a younger man, I asked my boss what it was that he had done before he became CEO of his company. He replied that “in his other life” he had been a salesman and had traveled the country meeting with accounts and enjoying the single life on the road. “Other Life” I thought? How many lives can one person have, and how many does one need?

  • Reflecting back on that moment today, I would have to answer that we all have as many lives as we need to. Some are passive, others more aggressive, and still others have a life of their own.

  • In my preteens I was my parent’s child being molded by their example and wishing for a time when I could be grown up. 

  • In my teens and twenties, I was a head strong young man striving to find my place in the world and to break free of the childhood ties that kept me prisoner.

  • Arriving at my thirties, I was the adult that I had so desired to be, but there was still that lack of personal freedom that I so desired.

  • Enter forty, and I found myself ready to be my own man. Starting my own business and taking a life partner, I very much felt the successful ingĂ©nue that I had strived to be.

  • It wasn’t however until the age of sixty that I realized my full potential. Having survived four previous incarnations and the death of a long time life partner I felt myself broken and exhausted. But instead of lying down for the count I picked myself up and with the help of my husband Chadwick, I began to build a new and even more perfect life in which to flourish.

  • Will there be a sixth incarnation? Perhaps if need be. But I would rather like to think that this time is the last time. And from this point forward the best is yet to come … It must be!