Saturday, June 28, 2014

Holiday Embers

Sparkling moments of holiday happenings

Frozen fantasies forever or not

Time flies by like embers dancing

magical moments made clear in the frost

Comes the morning when sunlight embraces

Selfless thoughts burn cold in the dawn

Then like a torrent all passions remembered

Things that in darkness must be left gone

Holiday embers ...

The Hand of God

Funny how a shaft of light on a painted wall can spark the senses and leave us in awe.

Today as I sat sleepily with eyes transfixed upon the door. A flash of sunlight reemerged and spilled across the floor. So many feeling flood to front and splash across the wall.

Thoughts of cool summer days and thoughts of frosty fall. Now enter in those sounds of silence that with deafening array, they whisper tender traceries that gently frame the day.

Could it be that in the vastness of a universe filled with light. That somewhere in the darkest corner our hopes can still ignite?

In exploration of infinity spinning to and fro, there is a hand that has emerged which from a dead star grows.

It reaches for a mighty milky way and offers up a prayer, that while it may be fading fast it's reflection will still be there.

As I looked into the mirror I saw a shadowed line. The very moment it occurred I realized that time can be the mirror that reflects our thoughts, It holds them still and fine.

All seemed enamored of this sight, this vision of mankind. Until the day when it occurred that that hand of god is mine ...

Let It Pour

Do you ever wonder why, why sometimes you need to cry

Why you feel that need sometimes, could it be you have lost your rhymes

Perhaps a shadow of what has been, or maybe a reflection of what could have then

Takes you to a place somewhere, a place where there can be no care

Some say it's not a manly thing to drink too deeply from this spring

But I must truly take exception, because I find it to be a self-deception

If one thinks we have no need, then let us listen and take heed

For when the soul has torn and bleeds, the tears of healing can help indeed

Like desert rain on soil parched, these tears of heaven can make it start

So remember when in pain we find ourselves, it is in the rain that our happiness dwells

Let it rain ... Let it pour ...

Electric Energy

Like a desert thunder storm on a hot December night, my love knows no boundaries, it is filled with the energy of a million delights

What could possibly contain its power, should it be only a spring time shower. The possibility of life distilled can seed infinity and make it fulfilled.

If our passion could be contained, then legions of angels would gather the rain

Come that night of dark and despair, the heavens would open and shower us with care

What miracle of nature lies contained in a seed. Can anyone know, and should anyone need

To Chadwick With Love


What could be more beautiful than a vision of the Milky Way from the perspective of the Palm Springs desert on a clear and moon filled night? The sky so clear that you can see its every flaw in flight.

To stand in the stars and scatter ribbons of light is like no other feeling, for when the time is right your soul can take flight and become one with its many seasons.
A million and one stars sprinkle light from above while the mother earth catches it and turns it to love. So strong is the bond between heaven and earth that the elements reflect it and bring it to birth.
Standing high in the mountains or low at the earth I cannot but marvel at this spectacle in mirth, while all the time knowing how great is its worth.
Without the high heavens there can be no earth, and without your love dear there would be no rebirth.



Here it comes again! That giant wall of emotions surging towards me like a tsunami from the past.

Just when the skies were clear and the waters were calm, an eruption in the ocean of life has occurred and the ramifications are reaching the surface, breaking the surface and causing a ripple of mega proportions. A blast reaching out from the core, soon to overtake me and dash me against the rocks once again.

Perhaps it is that moment when I am in a state of bliss and my guard is down, that is the time I am most vulnerable. However, if I am truly happy and content in my thoughts, it will instead lift me up and carry me on to the next shore.

In any event, it is that time of year for energies to be released and pent up feelings to be set free. As for me I'd rather surf the wave than be sucked under by it.

Bring it on, I will be in desert!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


The clouds of spring and summer this year have been extraordinary. Clouds such as these I have not seen since I was a young boy. Or perhaps is it that I am getting young again in my older years?

My grandfather and I used to sit together on the porch of our house in Rockford. We would look up and watch the procession of clouds drift by. Sometimes soft and gentle, other times strong and ascending they would provide us with endless entertainment as we watched this cosmic theatre unfold.

Today I came across a book entitled simply "Wind Blown Clouds". I laughed and thought to myself how proud would my grandfather be to know that he could have been the author of this book. But not just that - he could and would have been much more, and he was. When grandfather and I looked up to the skies, we saw not only clouds in motion but rather a puppet opera.

Every cloud has a distinct personality and purpose. When a storm is coming they are ominous, when good weather abounds they are happy and playful and when there is rain or snow coming they are rather serious. There are occasions when clouds merely, playfully change shapes as if they were bored. I have seen clouds shape shift from cherubs to dragons and from puppies to werewolves. But in the end they are only clouds - aren't they?

People are much like clouds. Ever changing changelings. Always looking for that better shape, a more perfect format, or that most ultimate essence from which to play our role in life.

I think that my grandfather taught me a lot about life. Thank you grandpa!

From "My Phoenix Rising"

(by Robert Dobnick)

Frozen Winter Moments


I met him on a frosty white morn, some time in December when the sun was warm. The frozen forest and sky were one, encasing me in a sphere that was spun. A moment of magic in time and space forever past and future perfect in place.

He said to me "do you remember a million years ago, when laughter somehow owned your soul"? I said "I do and there was you beneath my wings of ice and snow, to lift me up and make me whole".

Then from the sky there came a light that pierced the grey and sunless night. Liquid crystals and powdered snow at once caught fire to warm my soul.

I heard myself sing to me, a song of freedom ever so gently. A lullaby so serene that it made the moment evergreen.

So take my hand and if you dare a million memories I will share. But one thing you must promise me and that is love eternally.


Here it comes again! That giant wall of emotions surging towards me like a tsunami from the past.

Just when the skies were clear and the waters were calm, an eruption in the ocean of life has occurred and the ramifications are reaching the surface, breaking the surface and causing a ripple of mega proportions. A blast reaching out from the core, soon to overtake me and dash me against the rocks once again.

Perhaps it is that moment when I am in a state of bliss and my guard is down, that is the time I am most vulnerable.

However, if I am truly happy and content in my thoughts, it will instead lift me up and carry me on to the next shore.

In any event, it is that time of year for energies to be released and pent up feelings to be set free. As for me I'd rather surf the wave than be sucked under by it.

Bring it on, I will be in desert!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Aging Gently

What is it that we fear most about aging?

For me it is the possibility that I might loose the ability to take care of myself and/or the fact that my mind could go before me. The other things in life such as beauty, machismo and the rest really don't enter into the equation.

If we live in accordance with the rules of nature such as eating properly, exercising and maintaining a healthy mental attitude through whatever floats your boat - yoga, meditation, prayer or chanting then there should be no problem. Our bodies are meant to house our chi for as much time as is needed to complete its cycle.

Of course genetics are a very important part of the equation, but substance abuse and stress can advance the process of aging and make it less graceful.

I'm not saying that everyone who does his or her best to maintain a healthy life will in fact achieve that goal. There are always a million variables that can set upon us without warning. But in the end we are at least partially responsible for our own actions.

The Budists believe that we are reincarnated over and over until we get it right. The Christians and Jews believe that we have one chance at it and are punished if we fail. Pagans worship the earth and sky gods and but still have fears of eternal punishment if not lived in accordance with the universal flow.

I have never been quite sure as to what it is that I should call myself. I was born and raised a Roman Catholic, then studied Judisim, Budism, Hinduism and several other religions. I guess I came to the understanding eventually that they were all preaching the same cermon but in different and ethnic ways. Agnostic seems to be the only term that captures my feeling on the subject but it is not exactly right either.

To see the universe at work in it's haphassard yet organised fashion is to marvel at life in general. It exists in the moment and resinates in the past but it creats it's own future as well. It is in fact infinte - without end or begining. I'm just glad to be apart of it at the moment.

Strike a Match

There are times in my life when, just like magic, all becomes clear. These are times of wide eyed, freshly experienced emotion and commotion.

As we get older these feeling are harder to come by, since we have long since experienced it all. Or so we think ... Strike a match!

Much like a mixture of chemicals and fluids produces many more results than the sum of its parts, we too are mixtures of not only chemicals and fluids, but time and space as well. We are three dimensional and as such can reach out in a thousand directions at will.

We, and only we, are the masters of our universe. Only we can make things happen or let them lie. It is up to us to create the magic that we can be and take it to stellar heights.

Where there is possibility let there be pursuit. Where there are blossoms let us look for the fruit. And if there are challenges let us recruit and take from inner strength to help us    reconstitute.

Where are the possibilities if not in our fears, and where are the challenges if not in our tears. Would it be fruitful if we did not first plant the seed. And how does the flower grow amongst all the weeds?

Show me mountain that has not been climbed. And show me an ocean that has not been stride. To take to the air is the answer it seems. The higher we fly the greater our dreams.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Running in Reverse

What happens when time catches up with itself? Perhaps it merely waits or does it speed on by only to look back in remiss?

Life is something that defies definition for if it where defined it would not longer be alive. But life is the process by which we tangibly exist in a certain place, at a certain time, and in a special way.

To let the mind run free is like letting go of the reins of a wild stallion only to find that control is no longer an issue, but rather hanging on for the ride is more to the point.

As the sun sets on my last decades of diligence it occurred to me that all the planning and scheming that I managed to accomplish did not in fact produce the end result that I thought I was after. Instead I found myself thinking that maybe it was for not.

But today I had an epiphany, a moment of enlightenment if you will. Today I realized that all the twists and turns that my life has taken were most definitely for a reason, and that reason was that I had not been true to myself in the very beginning. Maybe if I had listened to my inner voice in the beginning things would have been more straight forward.

However, I also realize that early on there is not much for a beginner to say. Experiences must occur in order for ones mind to develop, and eventually, much like any other living organism, mathematics enters and the building blocks begin to be put into place. From this point on, left to our own devices, we could easily run in any direction and so guidance is necessary.

Guidance is the key word. A gentle steering, a well placed hand to aid us in whichever direction we are comfortable going. So maybe I have done exactly what I needed to do. No more, no less. Perhaps it is only my mind running past itself that stops to say "what has taken you so long to get here?"

Blue Moon

Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone ...

Once every three or four years when the planets align and the mood is just right, there is this anomaly called a blue moon. Even though the moon is not necessarily blue it is most beautiful and bountiful, and big.

Perhaps the thing to remember about a blue moon is that it is indeed rather rare. It gives us a second chance to howl and dance, and dream.

When ever I see a full moon it fills me with anxiety and a lust for life for sure. It makes my heart race and my blood boil. Could it be that we are connected somehow to this I primordial presence and bound by its gravitational tug and pull?

As I stand on my terrace tonight and bask in its lunar glow, I can't help but remember other full moons in other times and places. Full moons in Paris and Portugal. Blue moons in Rio and Rome, and many other occurrences from San Francisco to Miami more. Each and every time this luminary appears there is magic surrounding it and I stand in awe of it.

If there is a universal deity than the moon must be its other, for as the stars in the firmament concur there could not be another ...

Swimming for Life

At times I feel I am afloat upon a stormy sea. With one hand holding on for life and the other holding thee.

Sometimes the winds are volatile and other times serene, but most times they are what they are and I am where I need.

To venture forth in haste, unbraced is something we must heed. But to venture out in confidence is something we must need.

When calm has come to consciousness in moments where agreed. Then gentle thoughts of calm repose can heal the heart indeed.

I find myself immersed in life and awash amongst its seas. But with the help of other hands I find my course and lead. And find my voice indeed.

Being Master of My Soul

I silently sing a rhyming song. A song of many moon lit notes. A song that's never done.

Like water in an autumn sky, where currents ever run. To the sun drenched shores of eternity, from where they first have come.

Then time itself stands by alert, kissing the coming dawn. A new day awakens the sleeping soul, and a new beginning has begun.

Spirits of the earth and sky let your selves be known. Conjure up a perfect moment, let you energies be  shown.

All your elements are now in play, air, earth, fire and water combine into a magic mix that sets the autumn skies on fire.

Then setting in the evening sun you rest upon the night, and in so doing give it life and set its wings to flight.

Perhaps my wish if granted woud be to hold you in eternity.