Sunday, December 18, 2011

And So It Is Christmas

"And so it is Christmas and what have you done ... another year over and a new one just begun ..."

The words of John Lennon rang out today as I was sitting in the midst of Christmas 2011 with my wrappings and decorations piled around me, carefully trying to find the pure and untempered joy of those Christmas's past and forgotten. But are they really past and forgotten? Maybe past but most certainly not forgotten!

Every ornament and every holiday treasure is rich with joyous and heart felt memories of golden moments in time that touched my soul and gave wings to my otherwise grounded life.

I remember most vividly the love and laughter that came with this season of love as if they were yesterday and will most definitely remember them for many seasons to come. How could we not remember the seasons of our lives that give us substance and most important of all ... love and joy!

It can be difficult to move forward if we feel that we are deserting the past, but we don't have to leave the past behind. The secret is that we can carry it with us and grow stronger from it. If it becomes a burden than we can lay it to rest but I think not - for it is only the hurts and sorrows that can wound us and therefore should not be considered part of us once discounted. Rather go forward with a arm full of happy and joyous memories and walk in the stars knowing that the new road is paved with those loving memories and guided by our inner child who is forever young and hopeful ...

And so it is Christmas and what have I done? I've taken the past year and am weaving it with the new one that has just begun!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Frozen Memories

"At once the mountain of ice melted and a million dreams and memories washed over me taking me in it's tide to places long forgot but now alive and vital once more in its healing waters"

What is it that sparks the fire which melts the ice in which our memories are contained?

While working on Christmas decorations today and winterizing the house for the approaching rush of holiday madness and debauchery I accidentally triggered several holiday memories from long past and near. Memories that made me both smile and weep - memories of much joy sprinkled with reality and remorse.

Frozen memories can be very potent and sometimes even volatile but they are also very necessary for us to hold near and dear. It is like finding a lost treasure again or smelling a familiar scent - the awakening of another day in time that has been captured for future reference and a point of light into our souls.

I seem to visit my crystal cave of frozen treasures more often these days both making deposits as well as withdrawals. In the cold clear frost of remembrance there is a silent serenity that revitalizes and repairs my soul - setting it free to dream and dance again in the warmth and reality of a new day sun.

Dance on children of the sun ...