Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Day Such As This

It is on days such as this that I understand what life is meant to be. Late October Indian Summer and the trees ablaze with golden sunlight. The world seems to be lazily basking in a moment of mesmerizingly magnificence and for the moment all is well in the universe. There will of course be other days of that dazzle, but for now this one is most profound.

I wish that I could gather all my feeling of joy into one place and lock them away so that I might visit them when needed. But to do so would diminish them because they would be expected. Rather to see every day in it's own glory for every day does indeed have it's moment of joy. We just have to be aware to look for them.

So I will cherish this day and hold it dear, as if it where a once in a lifetime occurrence because it is unique indeed on to itself and I am part of it.