Friday, April 12, 2013

A Walk Through the Forest

The forest was dark and misty as I waked silently through it's cathedral like arch of branches. A feeling of loneliness crept over me and took hold of my being. I felt lost, alone and began to despair. When was it that winter had come and how long would it be before new growth would bring color to this desolate place?

Many times I had ran and played below it's lofty canopy and many more times had watched as the dappled sunlight illuminated the fragrant flowers and new born leaves while woodland creatures scampered. But now it was stagnant and somber.

At once I heard the Robin's song. A song of promise and a sight to behold. He sang of times both new and old. He sang of life and love, and hope, of seasons still to unfold. Remember, said he, when the old growth dies and interrupts the flow, the dead wood must be cleared to allow the new to grow.

For if in angst we turn our head and do not see the joy, that lay within the dormant seed it will never be ours to enjoy. So walk with purpose, walk with pride and keep your vision strong, for negatives that can occur will fester if left long.

So listen to the positive and let your spirit flow, the seasons of, and in your mind will make the forest grow.