Friday, March 30, 2012

Mystic Rejuvination

Spring Evening, Cambridge, England
photo by sean

There comes a time, some time in spring
when thoughts take flight and angels sing!
A time of joy, a time of love
a time to venture forth above.
What is it then that gives us the potent energy
 to pursue life's tasks with such synergy?
Tis the song we sing that in response 
cannot count on promises which do surmount
Our desire for eternal bliss
lies hidden in the springs first kiss

Several times a year I find myself lost in the mystic rapture of seasonal rejuvenation ...What is it that  makes the seasons so important to me? What is it that fires my soul with thoughts of resurgence?

Much like the Robin or the Cardinal that inhabit my back yard and have done so for 18 on years, I feel the cosmic pull of the universal call to procreate. Oft times it is the mere act of planting, or the desire to be fulfilled whether physically or spiritually, the force runs deep and strong in all living things and so must be fulfilled.

As we make our way through the many fields and facets of life there is always this undertow that seems to pull at our very souls. Once we were free spirits of the air and then a rest among the leaves so fair, but before we venture forth again we must mix and mingle, marry elements.

So I think the call from nature is just a call, to remind us ... that is all!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Ides of March

Every year about this time the earth awakes to the sounds of spring. You can feel the energy surging up from the soil to meet the warming sunshine  and begin again the never ending process of this thing called life.

My life this year has taken a most definite turn and the excitement of regeneration is heavy in the air. One thing that is certain is the fact that love is in bloom and the scent of it's blossom is fragrant and intoxicating. The promise of such emotion is exhilarating and fills me with life.

As March whirls and blows it's way into my life once again I am reminded of my many other lives since I seem to be a perennial of sorts. Lives of many years and those of not so many ... times of trial and times of exuberance. Life is like a crossword puzzle - one never knows what letter you will be dealt or for that matter how to use it until it is there. But the beauty of it all is the simple fact that every day is a new day and every endeavour is a fresh one. If we are cognisant of who we are and where we want to be it can be magical but if we are lost in the maze of humanity it can be deadly.

So I say, come to me March whether Lion or Lamb and give me your best shot. I have been here many times before and I am ready for many and more!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Desert Spectres

As I walked the desert trail up from arid scrub brush to lofty pine trees, desert daisies interspersed with vibrant verbena and swaying sage grasses welcome me. I felt as though I have crossed over to a different place ... somewhere that I had not been before - or was I merely seeing this spectacle in a new light, and through another's eyes?

I had been to the desert many times before but this time it was different again. I was no longer the spectator ... I was the guide and teacher. My new found love and I explored this mystic land together as two star walkers might, discovering it's secrets and basking in it's mid day sun. At night we would sit by the fire and watch the shooting stars as they would light up the blue black sky and talk of our adventures that day while drawing close and feeling each others warmth.

I have determined that the desert never changes ... it is I who change every time I venture to it. It is I who bring the changes and perhaps it is the desert that blesses them and makes them real. My dreams and wishes are distilled here. Like a giant dream catcher it takes my troubles and concerns and transforms them into happy thoughts and positive energy. What is it about this desolate tranquility that ignites my soul and fuels my very being?

Very few have been invited to my magic mountains and even fewer to its secret streams. Only a handful have been allowed to revel in it's reality and even fewer to drink it's powerful potus. My desert is a magical, mystical land and if you are very lucky you too may feel it's awesome power one day - It is in me ...