Sunday, November 28, 2010

Human Sacrifices

You know me, the holidays have always held a special place in my heart. Being some where between Buddhist Priest and Druid, I enter into the season with trepidation, never knowing which way to turn. This year, left to my own devices, I decided to go with the pagan motif as it seemed more in touch with my inner self at the moment. So it was a rock crystal mobile dripping down my staircase interspersed with silver snowflakes, white lights and an occasional ornament - kind of Auntie Mame. White poinsettias surround our living room and a silver, white and gold Christmas Tree touched by a smidgen of red for flavor stands proud by the fireplace. The third floor is more sedate with dark red poinsettias as the theme, still to soon for the family tree. Maybe, I thought, a few treasured ornaments and accessories would do but we will see.

Did you ever notice that the holidays seem to bring out the best and the worst in people. If you are in a good place your great, but god forbid that you are in the dumps because it will only get worse. However, there is salvation at hand. I have learned that if you are not in a good place in your head at the holidays the best thing to do is to go somewhere else, physically that is. Yes! Run away!!

I know that you can't run away from life forever but you can run away from Uncle Burt and Aunt Emmie. You can ignore Santa Claus and go with Santana or you can enjoy a Merry Christmas in Margaritaville. Be creative for goodness sake and give your inner Santa a "Sidecar". Hang those jalapeƱo pepper lights and make merry with your boyfriend Harry or your girlfriend Mary! You don't have to stew in other peoples puddings you know and you don't have to sing their holiday anthems. What you do have to do is to listen to your very own inner voices and let them take you to that place that makes you happy. Sure you can always bring a few people along if you want to but it is not a requirement.

This year I think that I just might invite a select group to help me celebrate my Pagan Solstice and we might just make a sacrifice too!

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