Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Legacy of A Life

While having lunch the other day I overheard a fellow say to his lunch date - "what legacy do you think that am I going to leave when I die" ... What an odd question I thought to myself. Why would one ask such a question and why would one care what some else thinks when it comes to self worth? Aren't we the measure of ourselves in the end, and after all is said and done who else should judge us?

Then I thought, well maybe there are times when we lose ourselves in this vast ocean of humanity and while swimming fast and furiously to keep afloat we forget in which direction lies our shore. The legacy that each and everyone of us leaves is very simply the foot print that we have forged throughout our lives. To try to embellish this legacy at the end is like trying to save a souffle after it has fallen flat. If we are not careful of our actions along the way the legacy that we leave will likewise be diminished.

So I told myself today that from this moment on I will be more aware of my life and how it affects the rest of the universe because it is not just my foot print that is being laid but rather those of all the others that I touch. In some way we all affect each other and the total cosmic consciousness is impacted by our actions.

When I was younger and more naive I used to think that I was the center of the universe and that all things revolved around me. As I grew older I thought to myself that I really didn't matter so much, that things seemed to work around and in spite of me. But perception is in the eye of the perceiver and as I perceive my life today I find that it has grown and evolved into something new again. I am in fact the center of the universe, my universe and so are we all in turn. Like planets revolving around the sun or galaxies around universe we all turn and spin in our own orbits until or unless one goes astray and collides with another. It is then in that moment that we can make tremendous differences and even alter the realms of eternity. For as the poet William Blake once said "eternity is in love with the productions of time" ...

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