Thursday, July 4, 2013

It's A Grand Old Flag

Cool right? When I first saw this ad for a black and white tee-shirt for the fourth of July, I thought how interesting that our flag is so iconic, even in black and white you can still feel the colors!

Then it occurred to me that the flag was being displayed incorrectly. The union jack should always be on the left when hung this way. In fact, displaying the flag in this matter means distress. Perhaps this was the thought when the designer made this tee- shirt? Maybe he or she was being facetious by calling attention to the fact that our nation is a bit confused these days, what with supreme court decisions all over the board and political parties that have no identity, unless you call indecision and bigotry good symbols to define their directions.

When wealth and religion become the driving factors in forming a national platform, something is seriously wrong. When the everyday "Joe & Jill" are more concerned with their iPads and Walmart prices than quality and honesty, this is what happens.

Too bad that we can't just have a "do over" and reset our priorities. Just imagine if we all could merely slow down long enough to see the disasters that we are side stepping everyday, and the deadly dumbing of a once great culture such as ours.

Today I saw a tee-shirt, probably made in China or India, or anyone of a hundred other sweat shops around the world, with union jack on the wrong side. To me this says "what the hell, it's cute, it's trendy and it's cheap". What else should matter since I will probably wear it once and throw it away.

I think not. What should matter on this fourth of July is the fact that our great nation is becoming sedentary and complacent. But there is a new wind stirring. I felt it in the air just the other day. I felt it in the striking down of DOMA, in the ruling on emigration and equal rights. There is definitely a stirring in the atmosphere and I can see it coming over the horizon like a distant vision of hope. The ghosts of greatness that once formed a perfect union are ready to march again. The question is ... Are we ready to follow?

Happy 4h of July ... and may our tomorrows be worn in pride rather than distress!

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