Saturday, January 29, 2011

Single is as Single Does

A friend recently asked me "what do you consider the best part about being single". My answer was "not much". Perhaps being single and alone affords you the opportunity to get more into yourself and then again it also affords with opportunity to do things that you would never do if you had a significant other. Now, I know that there are many who say that they are better alone, and that is fine but not me I fear.

I have always enjoyed having a partner, someone that I could love and take care of. Someone who would in turn cherish me as well. I had that dream come true not just once but several times in my life and in varying degrees of satisfaction. The first and the last were the best and I can most assuredly tell you that I don't count on another great love - but then again one never knows.

The thing to remember is that while opportunities present themselves to us every day there are precious few that really deserve our full attention. My grandmother used to tell me that "the best way to live you life is to respect yourself and take care of your mind and body as if it where your only dwelling" because it is. She said to me that if you I didn't take care of myself no one else would and if I were not happy with myself no one else would be either.

You see, you can't take care of another if you are not strong and secure within yourself. It is like someone trying to run a race without being prepared. Now, once you are strong and secure then the world can be yours. The main thing to consider at that point is what do you want out of life.

Another pearl of wisdom from my grandmother was this, "you can do what ever you like in life as long as you don't hurt someone else". Be kind and caring. Be gentle but strong, and most of all live life in the present not the past or future, because the past is gone and future might not be; but the present is precious because it is here and now.

So live life in the moment and cherish it for what it is - our only opportunity to get it right!

Happy Valentine's Day

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