Monday, January 31, 2011

The Moment of Meaning

There comes a time in every ones life I think that sets its tone. What tone you may ask? I say the tone that defines your "life path" and for that matter your very existence.

I have been extremely lucky in my life to have had so many positive associations and involvements, so many people that have touched my life so deeply and sincerely. I believe that when one finally connects to life you feel the energy of a million or more Galaxies colliding in unison and giving birth, if you will, to your own reality.

Sometime, a long time ago, I found myself afloat on a sea of introspection, a place of indecision and a time of confusion. What was it that sparked that turn around, that decision to decide, that entrance into my "me"? Maybe it was the happiness of a summers day spent with a fond friend, a night spent with a special lover, or maybe just the fact that I had in fact so many options in my life I thought that they would never run out. If only I could just make one of them real. Enter then reality, the moment of meaning, the ultimate end to the quest, my connection to my "other half".

Now it would seem that from the ultimate would come total satisfaction but not so. We are after all creatures of creation and thus are compelled to a life of endless evolution, that is until we can no longer evolve or do not desire to do so. Eventually I feel there is a gateway, a pass or a window that opens in the end to yet another tomorrow of unending beginnings, and those beginnings become an end unto themselves. So on we go forever forward ever searching for another moment of meaning.

Would that I could fill my tomorrows with all the joys of the past then I could surely fly to the summit once again and bath in the pure sunshine of endless love itself and find true happiness in its embrace.

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