Wednesday, February 23, 2011


What is it that makes us grieve? Is it that we have lost something dear, something or someone precious. Or is it that we merely are morning our own mortality.

As I have walked through this last year of new life I have found that it not so much the physical that I miss, it is the spiritual and, if you will, the transcendent nature of love. I have come to realize however that the spiritual or transcendent love which I have experienced in the past has not gone away, in fact it is still with me every bit as strong. Love like energy does not die, it transforms into other incarnations. Would it be that we could see it we would be overwhelmed to find that it is everywhere. It is the fiber of the cosmos and the substance of galaxies. It is nature, it is energy, it is forever.

During one of my desert meditations while looking out over the vast sea of sand I became aware that the desert itself was merely the transformation of rock into sand, and that the mountains were only the compilation of sand and minerals compacted into stone and granite. Therefore, I thought to myself, how can I grieve these transformations. Would I not be better served to celebrate them and be one with them.

The real issue here is not that the energy of love is gone but that its physical face has changed. We are creatures of the flesh and being such have the need to touch the physical. Could we give up our physicality we would not need love we would be it. Life as we know it ultimately is or leads to suffering and loss in one way or another. But do we want to give up our physical life, I think not. We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world and the universe.

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